
Inspiring Consumer Trust in Debt Relief

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Educating and Empowering Consumers on Financial Literacy

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Learn More About Debt Settlement

Click below to watch a short video on how Debt Settlement can help you.

Debt Relief Companies

Grow Your Business. Get Started with IAPDA Certifications Today!

Online Certification Programs with detailed training modules.

Department Specific State Required Certifications:
  • CDS – Sales/Customer Service/Negotiations
  • General Management /Operations Manager
  • NACSO Fico Scoring Model Specialist
Debt Relief Services:
  • Company Accreditation/State Licensing
  • Third Party Risk Assessment/Consulting
  • Job board
Register Now



Consumer Tools

IAPDA Provides the tools and confidence to resolve Debt, the right way!

- Financial Education Courses
- Debt Analysis Calculator
- Affordability Calculators
- Learn how to get out of, and stay out of debt

Try Financial Tools

Find Debt Relief

Learn more about the different types of Debt Relief available and which is most suitable for you. IAPDA will educate you and be here to answer any questions so you can confidently select the right help for you

Discover Debt Solutions

Ask the Expert

Questions about your debt, your debt relief provider, harassing collection calls, lawsuits, judgments, liens and so on with Industry Veteran and Executive Director of IAPDA, Renauld Smith.

Get Expert Answers

Here's How it Works

  1. Tell us what’s wrong

    Complete a free debt analysis form for a clear understanding of which option is best for you.

  2. Connect with top companies

    IAPDA will then connect you with a company with IAPDA Certified Agents that you can trust.

  3. Get a clear path forward

    Enjoy peace of mind that you’ve found the right solution the first time with professional support.

Search Certified Members

Meet Our IAPDA Company Accredited Members

The Benefits of IAPDA Certification


Stay compliant

It’s the Law! DE, KY, MN, NV, RI, TN, TX, UT and VA require consumer facing employees be Certified. IA, PA, MT, MA, NH and IL strongly recommend Certification as well. Be compliant, build consumer confidence, trust and retention by providing employees with education, training, certification and continuing education.


Be included in the IAPDA database

IAPDA Accredited Companies and Certified Employees are included in the online and public searchable IAPDA Certified Professionals database for consumers to verify and gain confidence. Proudly display Accreditation and Certification logos on your website and in your marketing materials.


Gain enthusiastic and happy employees

Encourage and support your team by educating and training them to be the best they can be. People want to work for organizations that are invested in their professional development and committed to helping them move up the ladder. Staff turnover is much lower when employees feel noticed and valued.


Boost company productivity

Studies by Microsoft, IDC, CompTIA and Novell show that employees with a professional certification are more productive because certifications better prepare workers to deal with day-to-day challenges and get the most out of new challenges. Certified employees are more efficiently and take pride in their responsibilities.


Easy scheduling - 100% online

The Training modules are robust but easy to follow, they provide the foundational knowledge required to intelligently and professionals speak with consumers and help weed out hiring unmotivated and unqualified employees.


Gain consumer confidence

Consumers searching for help will feel safer and more secure knowing they're being helped by trained and certified professionals. It tells potential clients that your company holds its staff to the highest professional standards and will take very good care of them.

Don't wait! Get the professional help you deserve!

Finding the right option is the first step towards a solution. Let connect you with a specialist for a free evaluation to review your specific financial situation.

Debt Options Analysis

IAPDA Certification 100% Online - The materials included in the IAPDA certification training programs are current (constant updates), complete, and presented in an easy to follow training format. Each certification training course module is supported by copies of consumer debt laws and the debt relief legislation governing the particular subject of that module. There are many articles included that will help you gain a further understanding of each topic in the training. You’re able to review the training modules at your leisure and complete the online multiple choice certification exams when ready.

  • Certification
  • Services

I.A.P.D.A/NACSO Fico Scoring Model Specialist Credit Card Specific

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FTC Safeguards Compliant

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I.A.P.D.A Credit and Collection

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I.A.P.D.A. Negotiations Certified Debt Specialist

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I.A.P.D.A. Sales Certified Debt Specialist

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I.A.P.D.A. Customer Service Certified Debt Specialist

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CDS - Certified Debt Specialist

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I.A.P.D.A. Operations Manager

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I.A.P.D.A General Management

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Company Accreditation

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Third Party Risk Assessment

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State Licensing

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Consulting & Training

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IAPDA Job Board

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Consumer Referrals

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Financial Education Curriculum

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IAPDA Staffing And Executive Recruitment

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State Registration

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Don't wait! Get the professional help you deserve!

Finding the right option is the first step towards a solution. Let connect you with a specialist for a free evaluation to review your specific financial situation.

Debt Options Analysis

Free Debt Analysis

How we can help you?

Get Started

How much credit card debt do you have?

Please enter your Details

* indicates a required field
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How much student loan debt do you have?

What type of student loans do you have?

What is the status of your loans?

Please enter your Details

* indicates a required field
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Are you employed?

$10K in back taxes?

Are you currently enrolled in a payment program with the IRS?

Please enter your Details

* indicates a required field
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Are you employed?

What problems are you having with your credit report?

Please enter your Details

* indicates a required field
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Are you married?

Any children or dependents?

Gross income on tax return (all income):

Do you own home?

What's the loan amount?

Are you filing to prevent foreclosure?

Any lawsuits? Are your wages being garnished?

Do you own a car?

Is there a loan?

Have you filed for bankruptcy in the last 8 years?

Roughly how much is your debt?

Have you sold or transferred property over $600 in the last year?

Please enter your Details

* indicates a required field
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Are Collectors calling many times a day?

Are Collectors calling you before 8am or after 9pm?

Are Collectors trying to collect on a debt that you previously settled?

Are Collectors being abusive or threatening?

Please verify you have a current copy of your credit report.

* When inquiring about Consumer Protection a copy of your credit report is necessary

Tell us what happened:

Please enter your Details

* indicates a required field
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We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.